Kantat 40 (Cantata No. 40)
- Besteci
- Johann Sebastian Bach
- Opus
- BWV 40
- Çalgılar
- Voice, SATB, Orkestra
Notalar ücretsiz
- Vocal score
- Voice, Keyboard, Piyano
- Full score
- Voice, Orkestra
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Dazu ist erschienen der Sohn Gottes, For this purpose is the son of God manifested, de:Kantate 40, el:Καντάτα 40, fr:Cantate 40, ko:칸타타 번호 40, hr:Kantata 40, nl:Cantate 40, ja:カンタータ第40号, pl:Kantata 40, ru:Кантата 40, sr:Кантата 40, sv:Kantat 40, tr:Kantat 40, zh:康塔塔号40